Rationale # Terraform allows you to create all the cloud resources you could want with just a few commands, however it usually is paired with other tools like Ansible to then apply configurations on those resources and bring up applications.
What problem are we solving for? # With some upcoming deprecations in GitHub Actions - for example the deprecation of save-state and set-output commands on May 31st 2023 - I wanted to update my workflows in advance before they would start failing as a result of these deprecations.
See previous article on OAuth2 Proxy configuration with nginx-ingress.
Scenario & Requirements # We have a part of our application in one repository, called web-application.
Objective # Deploy the Promtail-Loki-Grafana stack on a Kubernetes cluster using Helm.
High-level authentication and authorization flow # In this configuration, we use GitHub as the identity and authentication provider (i.
Preface on CORS # Cross-Origin Resource Sharing ( CORS) is an “issue” that often pops up during development of web applications that call backend services for data and functionality.
After learning the basics of Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) at work, I decided to update this site to fill the requirements of a PWA.
Scenario # Front-end container front, serving a webapp on port 9001 Back-end service container back, serving an API on port 80 Primary Objective: Reach and query back container from the front, using its service name: http://back/.
Here, a ‘failing step’ means a step that includes a command with a non-zero exit code.